Animation for NHK Minna no Uta’s “Nyan-ko no Tetsugaku” (Philosophy of the Cat).
NHK Minna no Uta‘s song for June-July
The animation for “Nyan-ko no Tetsugaku” (Philosophy of the Cat) was created by Ryo Hirano.
The song features Kuroneko Doumei (Kenji Ueda and Kyoko Koizumi)!
You can find more details and a one-minute preview on the official website.
The full version is available on TV!
The first broadcast is on Monday, June 3rd
- NHK Sougou: 10:55 AM
- NHK E-TV: 12:45 PM
The song will be broadcast over two weeks, so please enjoy the full version on air.
You can check the broadcast schedule on the Minna no Uta weekly schedule.
Additionally, the cover and an interview are featured in the NHK text “Minna no Uta June-July 2024 Issue.”
Sheet music is also available, so enjoy that as well!
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