Oyu ZINE now on sale!
I recently participated in Tokyo Literature Flea Market 38 with my friend, where we showcased our very first ZINE.
The collection is a compilation of essays reflecting our thoughts on life, work, family, and more.
At Oyu ZINE SHOP, you can purchase not only the Oyu ZINE but also T-shirts and tote bags.
Reading is hearing. Please check it out!
In our essays, we share memories of knitting, which I started during my life in a new place, people I met at part-time jobs, and family moments… This collection of essays is created by an animator, a film director, a playwright, and an editor—like a warm bath.
Contributors: Kohei Inaizumi, Ryo Hirano, Soushi Matsumoto, Naoyuki Miura (ROLO) Cover: Fumiki Hanahara
Oyu ZINE X (formerly Twitter): @oyuzine
Oyu ZINE SHOP: oyuzine.base.shop/
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