【Culture and Biology】 Vol. 02: “Character” and “Decay”

Ryo Hirano has contributed to Zukanfu~Zasshi “Culture and Biology” Vol. 02, a media platform that explores and cultivates the intersection of “culture,” the human activities of our modern age, and “biology,” the pursuit of understanding the essence of life.

The theme of “Culture and Biology” Vol. 02 is “Character” and “Decay.”


Hirano participated in a project to create new “characters” based on a lecture by researcher Kenji Suetsugu.

Dr. Suetsugu studies mycoheterotrophic plants—plants that have abandoned photosynthesis!

It was an exciting experience to design characters while listening to his fascinating insights!

The other features in this issue are also incredibly enjoyable, so be sure to give them a read!

You can check out the article here:


“Culture and Biology” Vol. 02 is “Character” and “Decay.”



Zukanfu~Zasshi “Culture and Biology” Main Page